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Learning Fund


The Twin Creeks Learning Fund(LF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds and determining the most effective use of those funds to help maintain and enhance the quality of education at Twin Creeks Elementary School.  This is accomplished through the collaboration of parents, educators, the school’s Site Council, the school’s PTA, and the community.  In addition, the Learning Fund works closely with the San Ramon Valley Education Foundation (SRVEF), the primary fundraising organization working in partnership with the San Ramon Valley Unified School District to provide financial support and promote public education in our community.
Why is the Learning Fund needed?
California ranks among the lowest of states in the nation in terms of school staff per pupil and average spending per pupil.  The parents and staff of Twin Creeks believe that our students deserve advanced computer technology, art and music education, math and reading specialists, and additional hours for the library.  The Learning Fund was established to provide the critical technology and additional staff that the school district and the state simply do not fund.  We work hard to elevate the level of education at Twin Creeks, but we need your support to be successful!
How can I help support the Learning Fund?
  • Make a donation to the Learning Fund today using the Twin Creeks Registration Website.  For $400 per Student or $600 per family (two or more students), we can continue to provide a Reading and Math Specialist (focused on intervention), Art and Music instruction, additional Library hours, and enhanced Technology.
  • You can make a secure, one-time gift via the "Donate to the Learning Fund" button in the left column of this page at any time.
  • All donations are tax deductible!  Use the following exempt tax ID: 68-0412906
  • Find out if your employer matches your donation as corporate matching which can often double your donation!
  • Do you shop at Safeway, Draeger's, Lunardi's, and/or eat at local restaurants?  Sign up or renew your eScrip account and make sure you have indicated Twin Creeks School Learning Fund as your beneficiary.  This is a simple and effective way to help at no cost to you.  Additional information is available on this printable flyer which you can distribute to friends and family. 
  • Use Amazon Smile when shopping on Amazon and indicate Twin Creeks School Learning Fund as your charity!  This is the same exact site as Amazon or Amazon Prime, and this is a simple way to help your school.
  • Attend the annual Auction Fundraiser; watch for details.
  • Attend the Dine In/Dine Out Nights; check your email for details.


The Twin Creeks Learning Fund is only possible through the volunteer efforts of parents in the community like you.  The Learning Fund's fundraising and decision-making activities are overseen by its Board of Directors.  We are in need of new directors, so please do not hesitate to contact the Learning Fund President if you would like to get involved.  The board can consist of anywhere from 7 to 15 directors.  This includes the school principal, a school faculty member, a PTA representative, and a School Site Council representative.  Each Director is elected for a two-year term.  Directors typically have the following responsibilities:
  • Attend the board meetings.
  • Take on an officer role (President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, etc.)
  • Chair or help with at least one of our fundraisers.  There are typically four fundraisers including Tiger Trot, Mixed Bag, Auction, and Dine In/Dine Out Nights.
  • Represent the Learning Fund at one or more school-wide events, including registration (mid-August), back to school night (early September), kindergarten assessment (early May), and open house (late May).
Board members will also work with Principal Kristen Berg and one or two of our Twin Creeks teachers.  Participating on the Learning Fund Board is a great way to make a significant difference in the quality of your child’s school.  So come out and give it a try!  And even if you don’t want to be a Director, come to the meetings which are open to anyone who is part of the Twin Creeks community.  You are welcome to vote on issues if you have donated any amount of money to the Learning Fund.  We hope to see you at an upcoming meeting!